Supplier Cooperation


In a jointly cooperation with the supplier we optimize processes, quality and delivery service and identify saving potentials. The usage of CIP/KAIZEN, analysis of purchased part reduction and value analysisplus  at the same time strongly support short term savings. This exceeds the potential of conventional cooperation of customersupplier relationships.

Content / Structure


  • Build up of customer specific documents, project organization and reporting structure and rules
  • Theoretical and practical training of all participants by using real examples. Explanation of the method and the realization of the project Target group:
    • Internally: employees from purchasing, design and development, production and assembly
    • Externally: strategic suppliers with significant turnover and value added (in logistics, production and/or assembly)
  • Identification of suitable suppliers
  • Kick-off at supplier to introduce the project and to check his willingness to participate within the project
  • In the preparation phase the definition of the part spectrum, the lay down of the base line (basis calculation and reference numbers) and agreements concerning the provision of resources by the supplier for the core phase take place
  • The development of optimization measures by using the three tools (CIP/KAIZEN, Analysis of purchased part reduction and value analysisplus) takes place in the core phase
  • The finalizing phase continues until the finish of all activities and includes the controlling of the savings



What do you get on top of this?


Professional supplier cooperation projects have been conducted by a large part of the U² team that has been recruited from the automotive industry who is a pioneer in this area. Using the right project tools and working with the required sensitiveness is highly important. We know how to handle with sensitive data of customers and suppliers. U² safeguards professionally the role of a neutral mediator without losing the focus on the goals.