TPM (Total Productive Maintenance)


TPM aims to maximize the overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) applied to the entire lifecycle of production equipment at the same time minimizing lifecycle costs by avoiding and eliminating the six sources of loss:  System failures, set-up and setting losses, idling and short stoppages, reduced cycle times, start-up difficulties and quality losses.

Our approach is very practical and implementation oriented.  We align our initiatives according to the five pillars of TPM:

  • Elimination of key problems
  • Autonomous Maintenance
  • Planned Maintenance Program
  • Preventive Maintenance
  • Teaching and Training

Content / Structure

  • Training of participants and explanation of method; target group: staff members of maintenance, setup teams and manufacturing
  • Definition of OEE (Overall Equipment Effectiveness) and measurement of current state at chosen machine / piece of equipment
  • Analysis and determination of impact of the sources of loss to OEE (utilization level, performance level and quality level)
  • Gradual structure of TPM method aligned to 5 pillars and subordinate 7 stages e.g. elimination of key problems (1. Pillar)
  • Creation of maintenance and action plan


What do you get on top of this?

  • EOPplus (EquipmentOptimizationProcess) – we take optimization a step further and optimize clamping devices, tools and control programs
  • As an additional method setup time reduction / SMED will increase equipment efficiency